Society of Native Tree Advocates

Mindanao, Philippines


SONATA is a non-profit organization that helps individuals, communities and organizations to protect, plant and propagate native trees.

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Members of SONATA come from all walks of life. What connects us is our love for being out there with the trees.

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We invite every Mindanaoan who shares our passion for native trees to join SONATA. Let's plant the future we want!

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Image by Mark Anthony Carranza

Native trees are the trees that have been growing in a certain area for many thousands of years. They are the trees your great great great grandparents grew up under. They co-evolved with all the different birds, bees, beetles and other beings that surround them, bringing balance and sustenance to their habitat. They are part of our identity. Part of our culture. Part of our story.

For ages, trees ensured our survival. They provided us with food, shelter and fuel. But as human dominance grew (together with our ignorance), most trees were forced to make way for human "progress". Little remains of what must have been a magnificent landscape, covered in lush and diverse forests, teeming with life.

We are entering a new era now, in which we have to face the impact of our actions on this planet. Climate change, food and water shortages, pandemics, pollution, rising sea levels, rising inequality... These are all symptoms of one and the same disease: our separation from nature. We've come to see the planet as a resource that's merely there for us to be extracted, but we fail to see that we are part of (and depending on) the very ecosystems we're destroying.

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.

Native American saying

Now more than ever, we need the wisdom of our ancestors to guide us back to a life in balance with nature.

It is time for us now to grow up and help the trees.